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rdmorin edited this page Jan 11, 2025 · 42 revisions

bibliography: 'morinlab.bib' csl: 'NLM.csl' link-citations: true nocite: | @rossiCodingGenomeSplenic2012, @veazeyCARM1InhibitionReduces2020, @nieGenomewideCRISPRScreens2021, @pasqualucciInactivatingMutationsAcetyltransferase2011,



Mutations in EP300 are significant contributors to the pathogenesis and progression of B-cell lymphomas such as DLBCL and FL.[@pasqualucciInactivatingMutationsAcetyltransferase2011] This gene has some recurrent sites of mutations (hot spots), which typically impact its HAT domain, a region crucial for acetylating histones and non-histone proteins.[@pasqualucciInactivatingMutationsAcetyltransferase2011]

Experimental Evidence

EP300 mutations impair histone acetylation, disrupt epigenetic gene regulation. Mutations in CREBBP and EP300 affect a common pathway and have been described as mutually exclusive due to some functional redundancy.[@pasqualucciInactivatingMutationsAcetyltransferase2011; @veazeyCARM1InhibitionReduces2020] Studies using genome-wide CRISPR-Cas9 screens have identified synthetic lethal interactions between CREBBP and EP300, suggesting that targeting one may affect the viability of cells with mutations in the other.[@nieGenomewideCRISPRScreens2021]

Relevance tier by entity


Mutation incidence in large patient cohorts (GAMBL reanalysis)





Mutation pattern and selective pressure estimates


EP300 Hotspots

Chromosome Coordinate (hg19) ref>alt HGVSp
chr22 41566459 T>C Y1446H
chr22 41566460 A>G Y1446C
chr22 41566460 A>C Y1446S
chr22 41566462 A>T I1447F
chr22 41566466 T>G F1448C
chr22 41566474 C>T H1451Y
chr22 41566476 T>G H1451Q
chr22 41566478 C>T P1452L
chr22 41566486 C>G Q1455E
chr22 41566487 A>G Q1455R
chr22 41566488 G>T Q1455H
chr22 41566495 C>T P1458S
chr22 41566495 C>A P1458T
chr22 41566496 C>T P1458L
chr22 41566511 T>C L1463P
chr22 41566511 T>G L1463R
chr22 41566519 T>G W1466G
chr22 41566519 T>A W1466R
chr22 41566519 T>C W1466R
chr22 41566520 G>T W1466L
chr22 41566521 G>C W1466C
chr22 41566522 T>A Y1467N
chr22 41566522 T>C Y1467H
chr22 41566522 T>G Y1467D
chr22 41566523 A>G Y1467C
chr22 41566523 A>T Y1467F






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