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rdmorin edited this page Jan 11, 2025 · 51 revisions

bibliography: 'morinlab.bib' csl: 'NLM.csl' link-citations: true nocite: | @mottokIntegrativeGenomicAnalysis2019, @morinSomaticMutationsAltering2010, @loveGeneticLandscapeMutations2012



EZH2 encodes a histone methyltransferase that is a component of the polycomb repressive complex 2 (PRC2). This gene is recurrently mutated in both FL and DLBCL and has a common mutation hot spot (Y646) that affects the SET domain.[@morinSomaticMutationsAltering2010] EZH2 mutations are one of the defining features of the EZB genetic subgroup of DLBCL.[@wrightProbabilisticClassificationTool2020] Although mutations in EZH2 have been described in some BL patients, they are extremely rare in most BL cohorts that have been sequenced.[@loveGeneticLandscapeMutations2012; @thomasGeneticSubgroupsInform2023]

Experimental Evidence

Mutations at the main hotspot and some less common hotspots lead to enhanced methylation by PRC2.[@yapSomaticMutationsEZH22011] A number of small molecule/pharmacologic inhibitors of EZH2 activity have been described.[@garapaty-raoIdentificationEZH2EZH12013; @knutsonSelectiveInhibitionEZH22014] At least one of these, tazemetostat, has shown benefit in FL.[@morinTreatingLymphomaNow2021] Combination therapies including EZH2 inhibitors are also under exploration for DLBCL patients with mutant EZH2.[@scholzeCombinedEZH2Bcl22020]

Relevance tier by entity


Mutation incidence in large patient cohorts (GAMBL reanalysis)







Mutation pattern and selective pressure estimates


EZH2 Hotspots

Chromosome Coordinate (hg19) ref>alt HGVSp
chr7 148508745 T>C N640S
chr7 148508740 A>G F642L
chr7 148508728 A>T Y646N
chr7 148508728 A>G Y646H
chr7 148508727 T>G Y646S
chr7 148508727 T>C Y646C
chr7 148508727 T>A Y646F
chr7 148506466 TG>GC A682G
chr7 148506467 G>C A682G
chr7 148506437 GC>AA A692L
chr7 148506437 G>A A692V



Representative Mutations


Rating ★ ★ ★ ★ ★

All Mutations



1092 671 672 675




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