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rdmorin edited this page Jan 11, 2025 · 38 revisions

bibliography: 'morinlab.bib' csl: 'NLM.csl' link-citations: true nocite: | @morinFrequentMutationHistonemodifying2011, @mottokIntegrativeGenomicAnalysis2019, @qiuIRF8mutantCellLymphoma2024, @wrightProbabilisticClassificationTool2020, @paneaWholeGenomeLandscape2019,



IRF8 (Interferon Regulatory Factor 8) is a transcription factor critical for the development and function of B lymphocytes. Mutations in IRF8 have been implicated in various lymphoid malignancies, most predominantly in FL and DLBCL. IRF8 is one of a number of genes affected by aberrant somatic hypermutation in B-cell lymphomas, which complicates the interpretation of mutations at this locus. Coding and non-coding mutations in IRF8 are associated with the EZB subgroup of DLBCL. There is preliminary evidence that IRF8 mutations contribute to immune evasion by downregulating CD74 and HLA-DM in DLBCL. These are crucial for processing and presentation of self antigens.

Experimental Evidence

Driver mutations affecting this gene in DLBCL/FL have been experimentally demonstrated to cause a reduction or loss of function (LOF).[@qiuIRF8mutantCellLymphoma2024]

Relevance tier by entity


Mutation incidence in large patient cohorts (GAMBL reanalysis)







Mutation pattern and selective pressure estimates


aSHM regions

chr_name hg19_start hg19_end region regulatory_comment
chr16 85931918 85933977 TSS active_promoter

IRF8 Hotspots

Chromosome Coordinate (hg19) ref>alt HGVSp
chr16 85936688 T>C Y23H
chr16 85936701 T>G I27S
chr16 85936784 T>G S55A
chr16 85936788 T>C I56T
chr16 85942602 G>T A61S
chr16 85942618 A>G K66R
chr16 85942671 T>C C84R
chr16 85942692 G>A D91N





[@wrightProbabilisticClassificationTool2020] [@qiuIRF8mutantCellLymphoma2024]


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