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Ryan Morin edited this page Jan 7, 2025 · 42 revisions

title: 'Studies' bibliography: 'morinlab.bib'

Entity Method Paired samples Unpaired samples Cell lines Example gene Study
DLBCL Sanger 0 5 0 BCL2 @tanakaFrequentIncidenceSomatic1992
BL Sanger 0 0 9 MYC @johnstonCmycHypermutationBurkitt1992
DLBCL Sanger 11 28 0 MYC @pasqualucciHypermutationMultipleProtooncogenes2001
BL Sanger 0 24 0 TP53 @wildaInactivationARFMDM2p53Pathway2004
DLBCL Sanger 134 0 20 PRDM1 @pasqualucciInactivationPRDM1BLIMP12006
PMBL Sanger GPR126 @wenigerMutationsTumorSuppressor2006
DLBCL Sanger FAS @schollMutationsRegionFAS2007
DLBCL Sanger 6 217 21 CARD11 @lenzOncogenicCARD11Mutations2008
DLBCL Sanger 1 1 (100.0) NFKBIA @lakeMutationsNFKBIAEncoding2009
DLBCL Sanger 0 101 TNFAIP3 @compagnoMutationsMultipleGenes2009
PMBL Sanger STAT6 @ritzRecurrentMutationsSTAT62009
PMBL Sanger TNFAIP3 @schmitzTNFAIP3A20Tumor2009
FL Sanger 11 251 0 TNFRSF14 @cheungAcquiredTNFRSF14Mutations2010
DLBCL/FL RNA-seq/WGS 1 31 7 EZH2 @morinSomaticMutationsAltering2010
DLBCL Sanger 0 382 20 MYD88 @ngoOncogenicallyActiveMYD882011
DLBCL RNA-seq/WGS 29 27 (93.1) B2M @morinFrequentMutationHistonemodifying2011
DLBCL exome 7 3 (42.9) CD36 @pasqualucciAnalysisCodingGenome2011
FL exome 2 2 (100.0) CREBBP @pasqualucciInactivatingMutationsAcetyltransferase2011
DLBCL exome/Sanger 1 1 (100.0) BRAF @tiacciBRAFMutationsHairycell2011
MZL Sanger 5 4 (80.0) BIRC3 @rossiAlterationBIRC3Multiple2011
MZL exome 21 10 (47.6) ARID1A @rossiCodingGenomeSplenic2012
BL RNA-seq/WGS/exome 5 5 (100.0) CCND3 @richterRecurrentMutationID32012
DLBCL Sanger 1 0 (0.0) MIR142 @kwanhianMicroRNA142Mutated202012
DLBCL WGS 1 1 (100.0) CXCR4 @khodabakhshiRecurrentTargetsAberrant2012
PMBL Array/Sanger 2 2 (100.0) MAP3K14 @ottoGeneticLesionsTRAF32012
DLBCL exome 39 18 (46.2) ACTB @lohrDiscoveryPrioritizationSomatic2012
MZL Panel 2 2 (100.0) CARD11 @yanBCRTLRSignaling2012
BL exome 60 3 (5.0) ACAD9 @loveGeneticLandscapeMutations2012
BL RNA-seq 20 4 (20.0) C16orf48 @schmitzBurkittLymphomaPathogenesis2012
MZL Array/Sanger 1 1 (100.0) ATM @braggioGenomicAnalysisMarginal2012
MCL WGS/exome 27 11 (40.7) ABCA3 @beaLandscapeSomaticMutations2013
DLBCL exome 16 8 (50.0) ARID1A @zhangGeneticHeterogeneityDiffuse2013
DLBCL Sanger 1 1 (100.0) EBF1 @bohleRoleEarlyBcell2013
DLBCL WGS 38 9 (23.7) ABI3BP @morinMutationalStructuralAnalysis2013
MZL exome 8 0 (0.0) AMOTL1 @parryWholeExomeSequencing2013
MCL exome 28 2 (7.1) ANK2 @zhangGenomicLandscapeMantle2014
PMBL WGS/Sanger 1 1 (100.0) PTPN1 @gunawardanaRecurrentSomaticMutations2014
BL Sanger 3 1 (33.3) ARHGEF1 @muppidiLossSignalingGa132014
BL RNA-seq 1 0 (0.0) CCNF @abateDistinctViralMutational2015
DLBCL Sanger 1 1 (100.0) STAT6 @yildizActivatingSTAT6Mutations2015
PMBL Sanger 1 1 (100.0) CIITA @mottokGenomicAlterationsCIITA2015
PMBL Sanger 1 1 (100.0) CD58 @schneiderAlterationsCD58Gene2015
PMBL exome 29 11 (37.9) ARIH2 @reichelFlowSortingExome2015
DLBCL Sanger 1 0 (0.0) MAP2K1 @shinBRAFV600EMAP2K12015
MZL exome 1 1 (100.0) KLHL6 @ganapathiGeneticLandscapeDural2016
DLBCL exome 1 1 (100.0) XPO1 @mareschalWholeExomeSequencing2016
FL WGS 3 3 (100.0) ATP6AP1 @okosunRecurrentMTORC1activatingRRAGC2016
PMBL Sanger 1 1 (100.0) XPO1 @jardinRecurrentMutationsExportin2016
PMBL exome/Sanger 1 1 (100.0) NFKBIE @mansouriFrequentNFKBIEDeletions2016
FL exome 1 1 (100.0) MAP2K1 @louissaintPediatrictypeNodalFollicular2016
MZL exome/panel 31 8 (25.8) ABCA13 @spinaGeneticsNodalMarginal2016
MCL exome 1 1 (100.0) CARD11 @wuGeneticHeterogeneityPrimary2016
DLBCL exome 2 2 (100.0) NFKBIE @morinGeneticLandscapesRelapsed2016
MZL panel 2 0 (0.0) CD9B @vandenbrandRecurrentMutationsGenes2017
MZL exome 28 2 (7.1) ARHGAP20 @jalladesExomeSequencingIdentifies2017
FL exome 22 17 (77.3) ARID1A @krysiakRecurrentSomaticMutations2017
DLBCL exome 3 3 (100.0) BTK @albuquerqueEnhancingKnowledgeDiscovery2017
DLBCL exome 59 6 (10.2) ANKRD17 @reddyGeneticFunctionalDrivers2017
PMBL exome 10 1 (10.0) AKAP6 @tiacciPervasiveMutationsJAKSTAT2018
DLBCL exome 19 2 (10.5) CCL4 @chapuyMolecularSubtypesDiffuse2018
PMBL Sanger 1 1 (100.0) IL4R @viganoSomaticIL4RMutations2018
DLBCL WGS 19 7 (36.8) AICDA @arthurGenomewideDiscoverySomatic2018
DLBCL exome 16 7 (43.8) CXCR5 @schmitzGeneticsPathogenesisDiffuse2018
PMBL exome 7 4 (57.1) ACTB @wienandGenomicAnalysesFlowsorted2019
BL exome 1 0 (0.0) KMT2C @zhouSporadicEndemicBurkitt2019
BL RNA-seq/exome 39 4 (10.3) ALPK2 @paneaWholeGenomeLandscape2019
BL WGS 13 9 (69.2) BACH2 @grandeGenomewideDiscoverySomatic2019
PMBL exome 21 6 (28.6) CISH @mottokIntegrativeGenomicAnalysis2019
MCL WGS 5 3 (60.0) BCOR @nadeuGenomicEpigenomicInsights2020
FL panel 1 1 (100.0) CTSS @barariaCathepsinAlterationsInduce2020
DLBCL exome/panel 1 1 (100.0) MS4A1 @rushtonGeneticEvolutionaryPatterns2020
MCL WGS/exome 7 6 (85.7) B2M @pararajalingamCodingNoncodingDrivers2020
PMBL panel 10 1 (10.0) ACTG1 @deschGenotypingCirculatingTumor2020
DLBCL WGS 38 3 (7.9) ACTG1 @hubschmannMutationalMechanismsShaping2021
PMBL exome 11 5 (45.5) ABCA13 @sarkozyMutationalLandscapeGray2021
PMBL exome 14 6 (42.9) BIRC3 @dunsCharacterizationDLBCLPMBL2021
BL panel 25 0 (0.0) ADAMTS5 @burkhardtClinicalRelevanceMolecular2022
BL WGS 6 2 (33.3) CDKN2C @thomasGeneticSubgroupsInform2023
FL exome 20 1 (5.0) ABL2 @russler-germainMutationsAssociatedProgression2023
PMBL exome 7 2 (28.6) ARID5B @gomezUltraDeepSequencingReveals2023



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