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Year | Entity | Approach | Paired samples | Unpaired samples | Cell lines | Example gene | Study |
1992 | DLBCL | Sanger | 0 | 5 | 0 | BCL2 | @tanakaFrequentIncidenceSomatic1992 |
1992 | BL | Sanger | 0 | 0 | 9 | MYC | @johnstonCmycHypermutationBurkitt1992 |
2001 | DLBCL | Sanger | 4 | 2 (50.0) | MYC | @pasqualucciHypermutationMultipleProtooncogenes2001 | |
2004 | BL | Sanger | 1 | 1 (100.0) | TP53 | @wildaInactivationARFMDM2p53Pathway2004 | |
2006 | DLBCL | Sanger | 1 | 1 (100.0) | PRDM1 | @pasqualucciInactivationPRDM1BLIMP12006 | |
2006 | PMBL | Sanger | 2 | 1 (50.0) | GPR126 | @wenigerMutationsTumorSuppressor2006 | |
2007 | DLBCL | Sanger | 1 | 1 (100.0) | FAS | @schollMutationsRegionFAS2007 | |
2008 | DLBCL | Sanger | 1 | 1 (100.0) | CARD11 | @lenzOncogenicCARD11Mutations2008 | |
2009 | DLBCL | Sanger | 1 | 1 (100.0) | NFKBIA | @lakeMutationsNFKBIAEncoding2009 | |
2009 | DLBCL | Sanger | 1 | 1 (100.0) | TNFAIP3 | @compagnoMutationsMultipleGenes2009 | |
2009 | PMBL | Sanger | 1 | 1 (100.0) | STAT6 | @ritzRecurrentMutationsSTAT62009 | |
2009 | PMBL | Sanger | 1 | 1 (100.0) | TNFAIP3 | @schmitzTNFAIP3A20Tumor2009 | |
2010 | FL | Sanger | 1 | 1 (100.0) | TNFRSF14 | @cheungAcquiredTNFRSF14Mutations2010 | |
2010 | DLBCL | RNA-seq/WGS | 1 | 1 (100.0) | EZH2 | @morinSomaticMutationsAltering2010 | |
2011 | DLBCL | RNA-seq/WGS | 29 | 27 (93.1) | B2M | @morinFrequentMutationHistonemodifying2011 | |
2011 | DLBCL | exome | 7 | 3 (42.9) | CD36 | @pasqualucciAnalysisCodingGenome2011 | |
2011 | DLBCL | Sanger | 1 | 1 (100.0) | MYD88 | @ngoOncogenicallyActiveMYD882011 | |
2011 | FL | exome | 2 | 2 (100.0) | CREBBP | @pasqualucciInactivatingMutationsAcetyltransferase2011 | |
2011 | DLBCL | exome/Sanger | 1 | 1 (100.0) | BRAF | @tiacciBRAFMutationsHairycell2011 | |
2011 | MZL | Sanger | 5 | 4 (80.0) | BIRC3 | @rossiAlterationBIRC3Multiple2011 | |
2012 | MZL | exome | 21 | 10 (47.6) | ARID1A | @rossiCodingGenomeSplenic2012 | |
2012 | BL | RNA-seq/WGS/exome | 5 | 5 (100.0) | CCND3 | @richterRecurrentMutationID32012 | |
2012 | DLBCL | Sanger | 1 | 0 (0.0) | MIR142 | @kwanhianMicroRNA142Mutated202012 | |
2012 | DLBCL | WGS | 1 | 1 | (100.0) | CXCR4 | @khodabakhshiRecurrentTargetsAberrant2012 |
2012 | PMBL | Array/Sanger | 2 | 2 | (100.0) | MAP3K14 | @ottoGeneticLesionsTRAF32012 |
2012 | DLBCL | exome | 39 | 18 | (46.2) | ACTB | @lohrDiscoveryPrioritizationSomatic2012 |
2012 | MZL | Panel | 2 | 2 | (100.0) | CARD11 | @yanBCRTLRSignaling2012 |
2012 | BL | exome | 60 | 3 | (5.0) | ACAD9 | @loveGeneticLandscapeMutations2012 |
2012 | BL | RNA-seq | 20 | 4 | (20.0) | C16orf48 | @schmitzBurkittLymphomaPathogenesis2012 |
2012 | MZL | Array/Sanger | 1 | 1 | (100.0) | ATM | @braggioGenomicAnalysisMarginal2012 |
2013 | MCL | WGS/exome | 27 | 11 | (40.7) | ABCA3 | @beaLandscapeSomaticMutations2013 |
2013 | DLBCL | exome | 16 | 8 | (50.0) | ARID1A | @zhangGeneticHeterogeneityDiffuse2013 |
2013 | DLBCL | Sanger | 1 | 1 | (100.0) | EBF1 | @bohleRoleEarlyBcell2013 |
2013 | DLBCL | WGS | 38 | 9 | (23.7) | ABI3BP | @morinMutationalStructuralAnalysis2013 |
2013 | MZL | exome | 8 | 0 | (0.0) | AMOTL1 | @parryWholeExomeSequencing2013 |
2014 | MCL | exome | 28 | 2 | (7.1) | ANK2 | @zhangGenomicLandscapeMantle2014 |
2014 | PMBL | WGS/Sanger | 1 | 1 | (100.0) | PTPN1 | @gunawardanaRecurrentSomaticMutations2014 |
2014 | BL | Sanger | 3 | 1 | (33.3) | ARHGEF1 | @muppidiLossSignalingGa132014 |
2015 | BL | RNA-seq | 1 | 0 | (0.0) | CCNF | @abateDistinctViralMutational2015 |
2015 | DLBCL | Sanger | 1 | 1 | (100.0) | STAT6 | @yildizActivatingSTAT6Mutations2015 |
2015 | PMBL | Sanger | 1 | 1 | (100.0) | CIITA | @mottokGenomicAlterationsCIITA2015 |
2015 | PMBL | Sanger | 1 | 1 | (100.0) | CD58 | @schneiderAlterationsCD58Gene2015 |
2015 | PMBL | exome | 29 | 11 | (37.9) | ARIH2 | @reichelFlowSortingExome2015 |
2015 | DLBCL | Sanger | 1 | 0 | (0.0) | MAP2K1 | @shinBRAFV600EMAP2K12015 |
2016 | MZL | exome | 1 | 1 | (100.0) | KLHL6 | @ganapathiGeneticLandscapeDural2016 |
2016 | DLBCL | exome | 1 | 1 | (100.0) | XPO1 | @mareschalWholeExomeSequencing2016 |
2016 | FL | WGS | 3 | 3 | (100.0) | ATP6AP1 | @okosunRecurrentMTORC1activatingRRAGC2016 |
2016 | PMBL | Sanger | 1 | 1 | (100.0) | XPO1 | @jardinRecurrentMutationsExportin2016 |
2016 | PMBL | exome/Sanger | 1 | 1 | (100.0) | NFKBIE | @mansouriFrequentNFKBIEDeletions2016 |
2016 | FL | exome | 1 | 1 | (100.0) | MAP2K1 | @louissaintPediatrictypeNodalFollicular2016 |
2016 | MZL | exome/panel | 31 | 8 | (25.8) | ABCA13 | @spinaGeneticsNodalMarginal2016 |
2016 | MCL | exome | 1 | 1 | (100.0) | CARD11 | @wuGeneticHeterogeneityPrimary2016 |
2016 | DLBCL | exome | 2 | 2 | (100.0) | NFKBIE | @morinGeneticLandscapesRelapsed2016 |
2017 | MZL | panel | 2 | 0 | (0.0) | CD9B | @vandenbrandRecurrentMutationsGenes2017 |
2017 | MZL | exome | 28 | 2 | (7.1) | ARHGAP20 | @jalladesExomeSequencingIdentifies2017 |
2017 | FL | exome | 22 | 17 | (77.3) | ARID1A | @krysiakRecurrentSomaticMutations2017 |
2017 | DLBCL | exome | 3 | 3 | (100.0) | BTK | @albuquerqueEnhancingKnowledgeDiscovery2017 |
2017 | DLBCL | exome | 59 | 6 | (10.2) | ANKRD17 | @reddyGeneticFunctionalDrivers2017 |
2018 | PMBL | exome | 10 | 1 | (10.0) | AKAP6 | @tiacciPervasiveMutationsJAKSTAT2018 |
2018 | DLBCL | exome | 19 | 2 | (10.5) | CCL4 | @chapuyMolecularSubtypesDiffuse2018 |
2018 | PMBL | Sanger | 1 | 1 | (100.0) | IL4R | @viganoSomaticIL4RMutations2018 |
2018 | DLBCL | WGS | 19 | 7 | (36.8) | AICDA | @arthurGenomewideDiscoverySomatic2018 |
2018 | DLBCL | exome | 16 | 7 | (43.8) | CXCR5 | @schmitzGeneticsPathogenesisDiffuse2018 |
2019 | PMBL | exome | 7 | 4 | (57.1) | ACTB | @wienandGenomicAnalysesFlowsorted2019 |
2019 | BL | exome | 1 | 0 | (0.0) | KMT2C | @zhouSporadicEndemicBurkitt2019 |
2019 | BL | RNA-seq/exome | 39 | 4 | (10.3) | ALPK2 | @paneaWholeGenomeLandscape2019 |
2019 | BL | WGS | 13 | 9 | (69.2) | BACH2 | @grandeGenomewideDiscoverySomatic2019 |
2019 | PMBL | exome | 21 | 6 | (28.6) | CISH | @mottokIntegrativeGenomicAnalysis2019 |
2020 | MCL | WGS | 5 | 3 | (60.0) | BCOR | @nadeuGenomicEpigenomicInsights2020 |
2020 | FL | panel | 1 | 1 | (100.0) | CTSS | @barariaCathepsinAlterationsInduce2020 |
2020 | DLBCL | exome/panel | 1 | 1 | (100.0) | MS4A1 | @rushtonGeneticEvolutionaryPatterns2020 |
2020 | MCL | WGS/exome | 7 | 6 | (85.7) | B2M | @pararajalingamCodingNoncodingDrivers2020 |
2020 | PMBL | panel | 10 | 1 | (10.0) | ACTG1 | @deschGenotypingCirculatingTumor2020 |
2021 | DLBCL | WGS | 38 | 3 | (7.9) | ACTG1 | @hubschmannMutationalMechanismsShaping2021 |
2021 | PMBL | exome | 11 | 5 | (45.5) | ABCA13 | @sarkozyMutationalLandscapeGray2021 |
2021 | PMBL | exome | 14 | 6 | (42.9) | BIRC3 | @dunsCharacterizationDLBCLPMBL2021 |
2022 | BL | panel | 25 | 0 | (0.0) | ADAMTS5 | @burkhardtClinicalRelevanceMolecular2022 |
2023 | BL | WGS | 6 | 2 | (33.3) | CDKN2C | @thomasGeneticSubgroupsInform2023 |
2023 | FL | exome | 20 | 1 | (5.0) | ABL2 | @russler-germainMutationsAssociatedProgression2023 |
2023 | PMBL | exome | 7 | 2 | (28.6) | ARID5B | @gomezUltraDeepSequencingReveals2023 |
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